One of my favorite movies is “Oh God” from 1977. God appears as a kindly old man (played by George Burns) to an assistant grocery store manager named Jerry Landers (played by John Denver). God tells Jerry He has chosen him to be His messenger to a world that has grown corrupt. I remember this […]

One of my favorite movies is “Oh God” from 1977. God appears as a kindly old man (played by George Burns) to an assistant grocery store manager named Jerry Landers (played by John Denver). God tells Jerry He has chosen him to be His messenger to a world that has grown corrupt. I remember this one scene where God sent Jerry to confront a megachurch preacher who used his preaching to grow rich. The preacher, wearing an all-white suit, waxes eloquently saying, “The Bible tells us God knows the falling of a sparrow and depth of your pocket!” It reminded me of comedian Gary Burbank playing a preacher telling his flock. “Don’t make me holler, don’t make me shout, turn those pockets inside out!” The movie preacher exhorts the people to put their money, “In our hands what you would put in God’s hands!” The congregation yells “Amen!” as they approach the altar to place into the preacher’s hands the “quiet of the green not the noise of the change.”

Jerry courageously approaches the altar to interrupt the grift. He tells the preacher that God is unhappy that he is getting rich by manipulating people to give him all their money. He told the preacher to stop pretending he speaks for God. Jerry concludes by saying, “God suggests that you go back to selling shoes.” The preacher responds, “Get him out of here!” to which Jerry replies, “Well, that’s what God said.”

Jesus takes on the role of Jerry in the cleansing of the temple. Jesus was peeved when He saw all the grift done in the name of worshipping God. Worshippers twenty years and older had to make a donation to the temple priests. They had to change their common money for temple money called “Tyrian” which was the purest silver coins. A lot of stealing occurred during this exchange of currency. Then you were forced to buy only “Temple Approved” sheep and oxen animals for sacrifice at marked up prices like what hotels do on the weekends.

At first, all this business was done outside the temple. But as business grew, they moved inside to get a better location. Imagine trying to worship God while walking through sheep poop attempting to get to the money changers screaming out, “Best rates in town over here!” Business was more important than prayer. God’s House became a flea market. Jesus could not contain His anger that the holiest place on earth housed a den of thieves.

Jesus not only cleansed the temple, but He makes a dramatic proclamation. “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up.” (John 2:19) Jesus declares that He is now the Temple of God. To make sure everyone understands the importance of what Jesus just said, John writes verse 2:21 leaving no doubt, “But he was speaking about the temple of his body.”

Here is why this proclamation is so important it will change your whole life. Since Jesus is the New Temple of God, anyone who loves Jesus, who believes in Him, who desires a close relationship with Him also becomes a Temple of God. The glory of God shining through the body of Jesus at the Transfiguration now radiates from within your body. (I have a big body to hold more of His Glory.)

Jesus said clearly in John 14:23 “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word. My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home within him.” This is so awesome. A temple is the place where God dwells. God made your body His Temple. God said in 1 Corinthians 6:19 “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own.”

You belong to God. What should your response be to this wonderful reality? First, cleanse your temple. Get rid of the dust bunnies of sin. Remove from your Temple any impurity like selfishness, greed, or pride.

Second, open wide the doors of your Temple to reveal God. Let God’s Light shine forth through your acts of kindness, love and care. There is always someone who needs to meet God. May they meet God through you. I just got a call from a parishioner who wondered if she did the right thing by welcoming a gay neighbor into her home. I replied, “He met Jesus today. He met Him through you.” I told her to welcome him to church.

I close with a line from the movie “Oh, God” where God tells Jerry not to worry about those who do not yet believe in God. “If you find it hard to believe in Me, maybe it will help to know that I believe in you.” God believes in you so much He bought you at a great price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies. (1 Cor 6:20) Happy Lent… Fr. Mike