Our Beliefs


Parishioners who wish to have their child baptized should contact 937-840-9932 during pregnancy to schedule a Baptism. First-time parents will receive classes in preparation.

Resources to prepare for the Sacrament of Baptism can be found here:

Any adult desiring to be baptized should contact 937-840-9932 and also take a look at the Order of Christian Initiation (OCIA)  section below for more information.


The Sacrament of Reconciliation isn’t meant to be scary. Jesus instituted this wonderful sacrament because He knows we need it. We ALL need it. It is through this sacrament that the love and mercy of Jesus is offered to humankind. It is Christ who is hearing your confession and Christ who is forgiving your sins, through His ordained minister, the priest.

Before you go to Confession, it is good to begin with a prayer, asking God for the courage to be honest with yourself as you review past thoughts, words and actions, calling to mind how we failed to love God and others through what we have done or what we have failed to do.

To make a valid confession, we are required to confess all previously unconfessed mortal sins of which we are aware. We may also confess one or more unconfessed venial sins, although this is not strictly required. If you do not have any serious sins, to receive absolution you must confess at least one venial sin.

If you have been away from the sacrament for a while, the priest is happy to walk you through what to do, and if necessary, can even help you make a quick examination of conscience. There is nothing to fear!


First Reconciliation

Education regarding the Sacrament of Reconciliation is conducted through the PREP program at the 2nd grade level. Parents desiring for their child to go through First Reconciliation classes should contact 937-840-9932


Communion to the Hospitalized & Homebound

If you or someone you know is hospitalized or homebound and would like to receive Eucharist and/or the Sacrament of the Anointing, please contact 937-840-9932 to arrange a time to receive.

First Eucharist

Education preparing children for first Eucharist is conducted through the PREP program at the 2nd grade level. Parents desiring for their child to go through First Eucharist classes should contact 937-840-9932.

If you are an adult desiring to receive classes in preparation for First Eucharist, contact 937-840-9932 and also take a look at the Rite of Christian Initiation section below for more information.




Preparation for Confirmation is completed outside of the high school PREP program. Anyone interested in receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation should contact 937-840-9932.

Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA)

Any adult (7 years or older) interested in joining the Catholic Church (Baptism) or receiving First Reconciliation, Eucharist, and/or Confirmation should contact 937-840-9932. Classes take approximately 8 months and begin in early Fall.


Anointing of the Sick

If you or someone you know desires to receive the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, please contact 937-840-9932. This Sacrament can be received more than once for serious health concerns, and should always be sought in life-threatening situations.


Holy Orders

Anyone considering a vocation to priesthood or religious life is encouraged to contact either 937-840-9932 or the Archdiocesan vocations office to explore the possibility of a vocation to Holy Orders or Consecrated Life.



Anyone wishing to be married in the Catholic Church must contact 937-840-9932 at least 6 months prior to the desired wedding date. Interviews and preparation must be completed prior to receiving the Sacrament.

Please do not schedule/announce your wedding date prior to meeting with the priest.