Our Lady of The Hills Staff

Fr. Mike Paraniuk

Fr. Mike Paraniuk




Office: 937-840-9932

Cell: 937-403-2510

E-Mail: [email protected] 


Fr. Matthew Lee

Fr. Matthew Lee



Office: 937544-2757 Ext 102


Leah Salyer

Leah Salyer

Administrative Assistant for Our Lady of The Hills Family, Beacons of Light Pathway Lead for Our Lady of The Hills, St. Mary Preschool Administrative Assistant



Office: 937-840-9932

Cell: 937-205-3038

E-Mail: [email protected]



Kim Paquette

Kim Paquette

Secretary, Holy Trinity Church


Office: 937-544-2757  Ext 101

E-Mail: [email protected]



Margaret Mobley

Margaret Mobley

Office Manager St. Benigenus


Office: 937-981-2785


E-Mail: [email protected] 


Michelle Vanzant Salyer

Michelle Vanzant Salyer

Parish Faith Formation, Director of Evangelization, Safe Environment Coordinator


Office: 937-840-9932

E-Mail: [email protected]


Chyane Collins

Chyane Collins

Religious Education


Office: 937-981-2785


Kathy Gerth

Kathy Gerth

Religious Education


Office: 937-544-2757  Ext 104


Kristy Bockrath

Kristy Bockrath

Religious Education, Choir/Music Director




Office: 937-981-2785


Bruce Bennett Jr.

Bruce Bennett Jr.

Religious Education


Office: 937-981-2785


Lynn Turner

Lynn Turner

Choir/Music Director


Office: 937-840-9932



Jen Howland

Jen Howland

Youth Group Leader


Office: 937-840-9932

E-Mail: [email protected]